Hiking Pictures

September 27, 2010


September 20, 2010

Tomorrow I begin a 3 day solo hike through Laurel Ridge State Park.

Very excited.

Kentuck Knob

September 19, 2010

Yesterday I visited Frank Lloyd Wright‘s Kentuck Knob. Very inspiring.

A few points that struck me: Wright disliked basements, garages, attics or any area that collects “stuff”. I really like this approach. Write had a focus on economy of materials and cost.

In Situ

September 17, 2010

I dropped in a photo of the woods:


September 16, 2010

I invision the first cube being primarily an office. An internet connected office in the woods. It will have an integrated fold up glass desk and one red chair:


September 16, 2010

I’m trying a design where the cube is purely glass and only the door has steel support. The counterweight is now glass. The beams pictured are steel 2″ X 4″ beams. Placement of the pivot point is a key decision I am still experimenting with.


September 15, 2010

Here is a simple design for an outhouse. Again an 8′ cube. The walls are COR TEN The ceiling is a glass slab. The toilet is a Swedish composting toilet.

Ideal Cube

September 2, 2010

An ideal glass cube (without door) and it’s steel structure:

Apple’s Glass Stairs

August 30, 2010

Interesting article on Apple’s glass stairs, including technical details:



August 29, 2010

This is a depiction of a 5″ X 1/2″ angle iron 8.5′ long: